Snow Goff Cave

A newly discover Northern Ontario cave . We recently got back to this sinking stream that me and Mick G spotted in the summer. This time there was a small amount of water sinking as well as airflow and ice crystals showing us where to dig. A few hours of digging and we spotted the trickle of water we had be hearing all along. Rubble appears to be blocking the natural entrance to a chamber in the cliff face. A few more hours of digging and we were able to get some pics with a camera on a tripod showing a large chamber. None of the pictures show where the water is heading, but we can see lots of nice water worn rock. One more day of digging and we should be into the chamber. Good airflow and a good 100 feet of elevation change hint towards something good.

Small entrance to Snow Goff Cave.

The dry portion of the cave. Ice crystals hinting at air movement.
Does not appear to be connect to the water chamber.

Camera tilted.

Following the good airflow.

Following the air flow and roughly where the stream currently sinks.
A trickle of water and what appears to be a chamber or entrance chamber blocked by breakdown.

The chamber beyond the waterfall.

A camera extended on a tripod.
What appears to be a good size chamber.
One more day of digging and we should be in.
Bring on spring.

Check out my Caves of Ontario website.

You can contact myself Jeff at